Hearing Aids
Hearing aid technology is advancing rapidly, and at the Hearing Institute of Texas, we keep abreast of these developments, putting you in touch with the right assistance for your individual lifestyle and needs. The following are some of the styles of hearing aids, as well as the new features that may be suited to you. Additional features are not right for everyone, so we are eager to consult with you about which features seem appealing and which might be an unnecessary encumbrance.
Styles of Hearing Aids
The needs and desires of hearing aid wearers have prompted designers and manufacturers to move beyond a one-size-fits-all approach. The styles of hearing aids range from tiny units that are invisible within the ear canal up to larger styles that are easy to manipulate for those who have dexterity issues or arthritis. Each of these hearing aid styles offers a set of benefits and limitations, so our audiologists will be able to guide you through the process of balancing your needs with the offerings of each style.

The smallest style of hearing aid is Invisible-In-Canal (IIC), inserted deep into the ear canal out of sight entirely. Although these aids are appealing to those who want to keep their assistance low-profile, others may find them difficult to insert and remove.

Completely-In-Canal (CIC) and In-The-Canal (ITC) models are slightly larger than IIC devices, but they remain easily placed out of sight with all the components contained in a single unit.

In-the-Canal (ITC) hearing aids are slightly larger than CIC models, but they remain aesthetically appealing due to their low profile. These models are based on a custom earmold that enables wearers to get a snug fit while keeping a size that is manageable to handle. Volume and memory controls can be included in these units, and the batteries are quite small requiring regular replacement.

In-The-Ear (ITE) hearing aids include an earmold that fits in the outer ear, and this style is attractive to those who have lost some nimbleness in their fingers. The battery replacement process can be simpler in these larger models, as well.
Beyond these self-contained units, Behind-The-Ear (BTE) and Receiver-In-Canal (RIC/RITE) models include two components that are connected by a tiny tube or wire. One piece of the aid hooks behind the ear and encloses a microphone that is adept at recognizing and capturing speech. The tiny tube or wire is linked to a receiver that sits inside the ear, much like some of the other smaller models. These units offer benefits for sound quality due to the microphone sitting outside the ear canal.
Beyond these self-contained units, Behind-The-Ear (BTE) and Receiver-In-Canal (RIC/RITE) models include two components that are connected by a tiny tube or wire. One piece of the aid hooks behind the ear and encloses a microphone that is adept at recognizing and capturing speech. The tiny tube or wire is linked to a receiver that sits inside the ear, much like some of the other smaller models. These units offer benefits for sound quality due to the microphone sitting outside the ear canal.
Let the Hearing Institute of Texas Give You Back the Gift of Hearing
By Reconnecting You to the Beauty of Sound
Hearing Aid Features
Along with these general styles of hearing aids, a wide range of features and technological advancements are available to promote your hearing loss treatment. If any of these features are appealing to you, your consultation with the Hearing Institute of Texas is an opportunity to discuss your lifestyle, individual needs, and the many possibilities that hearing technology affords.
Have Questions?
Our staff is available to take your calls Monday through Friday from 8:00am – 5:00pm. You are also welcome to drop in to set up an appointment during normal office hours. To schedule an initial appointment with one of our audiologists, you may give us a call directly at (210) 696-4327 (HEAR). We look forward to hearing from you! “Better HEARing for a better life.”